
Witchwood clockwork automaton and alternate hero powers
Witchwood clockwork automaton and alternate hero powers

witchwood clockwork automaton and alternate hero powers

witchwood clockwork automaton and alternate hero powers

Intelligent and easily programmed, they worked the docks of Union City and mined ore for the dwarves under the Redwall Mountains. Kept as pets by wealthy eccentrics or as heavy labor support by the captains of industry, they performed a wide array of tasks. Before the Rebellion of the Awakened, the automata were two things-very popular and very simple. They are sometimes called “Clickers” or “Ticktocks,” although most civilized people frown upon these derogatory terms. The automata are a race of awakened, free-willed clockwork machines living in and around the City-States of Vallinar.


The DC of this ability is Intelligence-based.ĪLTERNATIVELY! Storm Bunny Studios has released EXCLUSIVELY FOR d20PFSRD.COM users, the COMPLETE 1st chapter 100% FREE! Download it now to see if you might like the real deal! GMs, of course, are welcome to remove both of these penalties better fit their stories, but should do so understanding that this might unbalance the races some. Second, as unnatural creatures awakened by their fellows, automata are considered to be unfated they never gain access to wyrd, nor do they ever gain wyrd points. Thus, automata always earn honor at half of the speed of other races. First, very few of the common people trust the automata, and as a result, few will grant them honor-even when they deserve it. However, when placed within the greater context of the setting, several factors balance them out. When considered solely from a mechanical perspective, most automata start with an unfair advantage. The automata are a fairly powerful race, especially at low levels (and this is doubly true for the Sigrún model).

Witchwood clockwork automaton and alternate hero powers